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Monday, May 13, 2013

Convert a Fax to a Task

This sample code shows how to convert a fax to a task. The code first creates an incoming Fax activity, and then converts it to a Follow-up Task with a due date a week after it was received.

using System;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Utility;

namespace Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.HowTo
// Microsoft Dynamics CRM namespaces.
using CrmSdk;

/// This sample shows how to convert a fax into a task.

public class ConvertFaxToTask
static void Main(string[] args)
// TODO: Change the server URL and organization to match your Microsoft Dynamics CRM server and Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization.
ConvertFaxToTask.Run("http://localhost:5555", "CRM_Organization");

public static bool Run(string crmServerUrl, string orgName)
#region Setup Data Required for this sample.

bool success = false;


// Set up the CRM service.
CrmService service = CrmServiceUtility.GetCrmService(crmServerUrl, orgName);
service.PreAuthenticate = true;

// Get the current user.
WhoAmIRequest userRequest = new WhoAmIRequest();
WhoAmIResponse user = (WhoAmIResponse)service.Execute(userRequest);

// Create the fax object.
fax fax = new fax();

// Set the properties of the fax.
fax.subject = "Test Fax";
fax.description = "New Fax";

// Create the party sending and receiving the fax.
activityparty party = new activityparty();

// Set the properties of the activity party.
party.partyid = new Lookup();
party.partyid.type = EntityName.systemuser.ToString();
party.partyid.Value = user.UserId;

// The party sends and receives the fax.
fax.from = new activityparty[] { party };
fax.to = new activityparty[] { party };

// Create the fax.
Guid createdFaxId = service.Create(fax);

// Retrieve the created fax.
// Be aware that using AllColumns may adversely affect
// performance and cause unwanted cascading in subsequent
// updates. A best practice is to retrieve the least amount of
// data required.
fax newFax = (fax)service.Retrieve(EntityName.fax.ToString(), createdFaxId, new AllColumns());

// Create the task object.
task task = new task();

// Set the properties of the task.
task.subject = "Follow Up: " + newFax.subject;

// Set the due date of the task.
task.scheduledend = new CrmDateTime();

// Get the date that the fax was received.
CrmDateTime endDate = newFax.createdon;

// Set the due date of the task to one week later.
task.scheduledend.Value = endDate.UniversalTime.AddDays(7).ToString();

// Create the task.
Guid createdTaskId = service.Create(task);

#region check success

if (createdTaskId != Guid.Empty)
success = true;


#region Remove Data Required for this Sample

service.Delete(EntityName.fax.ToString(), createdFaxId);
service.Delete(EntityName.task.ToString(), createdTaskId);

catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)
// Add your error handling code here.

return success;

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