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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Promote an E-mail Message to Microsoft Dynamics CRM

This sample code shows how to create an e-mail activity instance from the specified e-mail message.

   1:  //# Promote an E-mail Message to Microsoft Dynamics CRM

   2:  using System;

   3:  using CrmSdk;

   4:  using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Utility;


   6:  namespace Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.HowTo.Email

   7:  {

   8:     public class DeliverPromoteEmail

   9:     {

  10:        public DeliverPromoteEmail()

  11:        {


  13:        }


  15:        public static bool Run(string crmServerUrl, string orgName)

  16:        {

  17:           bool success = false;


  19:           try

  20:           {

  21:              // Set up the CRM Service.  

  22:              CrmService service = Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Utility.CrmServiceUtility.GetCrmService(crmServerUrl, orgName);

  23:              service.PreAuthenticate = true;


  25:              #region Setup Data Required for this Sample


  27:              // Create a user to send an e-mail message to (To: field).

  28:              contact emailContact = new contact();

  29:              emailContact.firstname = "Adam";

  30:              emailContact.lastname = "Carter";

  31:              emailContact.emailaddress1 = "adam.carter@example.com";


  33:              // Create the contact.

  34:              Guid emailContactId = service.Create(emailContact);


  36:              // Get a system user to send the e-mail (From: field)

  37:              WhoAmIRequest systemUserRequest = new WhoAmIRequest();

  38:              WhoAmIResponse systemUserResponse = service.Execute(systemUserRequest) as WhoAmIResponse;


  40:              ColumnSet selectClause = new ColumnSet();

  41:              selectClause.Attributes = new string[] { "internalemailaddress" };


  43:              // Execute the request.

  44:              systemuser emailSender = service.Retrieve(EntityName.systemuser.ToString(), systemUserResponse.UserId, selectClause) as systemuser;


  46:              #endregion


  48:              // Create the request.

  49:              DeliverPromoteEmailRequest deliverEmailRequest = new DeliverPromoteEmailRequest();


  51:              // Set all required fields

  52:              deliverEmailRequest.Subject = "SDK Sample Email";

  53:              deliverEmailRequest.To = emailContact.emailaddress1;

  54:              deliverEmailRequest.From = emailSender.internalemailaddress;

  55:              deliverEmailRequest.Bcc = String.Empty;

  56:              deliverEmailRequest.Cc = String.Empty;

  57:              deliverEmailRequest.Importance = "high";

  58:              deliverEmailRequest.Body = "This message will create an email activity.";

  59:              deliverEmailRequest.MessageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

  60:              deliverEmailRequest.SubmittedBy = "";

  61:              deliverEmailRequest.ReceivedOn = new CrmDateTime();

  62:              deliverEmailRequest.ReceivedOn.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();


  64:              // We will not attach a file to the e-mail, but the Attachments property is required.

  65:              deliverEmailRequest.Attachments = new BusinessEntityCollection();

  66:              deliverEmailRequest.Attachments.EntityName = EntityName.activitymimeattachment.ToString();

  67:              deliverEmailRequest.Attachments.BusinessEntities = new activitymimeattachment[0];


  69:              // Execute the request.

  70:              DeliverPromoteEmailResponse deliverEmailResponse = (DeliverPromoteEmailResponse)service.Execute(deliverEmailRequest);


  72:              #region check success


  74:              // Query for the delivered e-mail and verify the status code is "Sent".

  75:              ColumnSet deliveredMailColumns = new ColumnSet();

  76:              deliveredMailColumns.Attributes = new string[] { "statuscode" };


  78:              email deliveredEmail = service.Retrieve(EntityName.email.ToString(), deliverEmailResponse.EmailId, deliveredMailColumns) as email;


  80:              if (deliveredEmail.statuscode.Value == EmailStatus.Sent)

  81:              {

  82:                 success = true;

  83:              }


  85:              #endregion


  87:              #region Remove Data Required for this Sample


  89:              // Delete the sent e-mail messages. 

  90:              service.Delete(EntityName.email.ToString(), deliveredEmail.activityid.Value);


  92:              // Delete the contacts created for e-mail messages.

  93:              service.Delete(EntityName.contact.ToString(), emailContactId);


  95:              #endregion

  96:           }

  97:           catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)

  98:           {

  99:              // Perform error handling here.

 100:              throw;

 101:           }

 102:           catch (Exception)

 103:           {

 104:              throw;

 105:           }


 107:           return success;

 108:        }

 109:     }

 110:  }

Send a Bulk E-mail and Monitor the Job

This sample code shows how to send a bulk e-mail and monitor its progress.

   1:  //# Send a Bulk E-mail and Monitor the Job

   2:  using System;

   3:  using CrmSdk;

   4:  using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Utility;


   6:  namespace Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.HowTo.BulkOperation

   7:  {

   8:     public class SendBulkEmailAndMonitor

   9:     {

  10:        public SendBulkEmailAndMonitor()

  11:        {


  13:        }


  15:        public static bool Run(string crmServerUrl, string orgName)

  16:        {

  17:           bool success = false;


  19:           try

  20:           {

  21:              // Set up the CRM Service.  

  22:              CrmService service = Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Utility.CrmServiceUtility.GetCrmService(crmServerUrl, orgName);

  23:              service.PreAuthenticate = true;


  25:              // Create some contacts to send a bulk e-mail to.

  26:              // Typically, this would be an existing list of customers, such as a marketing list.

  27:              object[] contactIds = new object[2];


  29:              contact emailContact1 = new contact();

  30:              emailContact1.firstname = "Adam";

  31:              emailContact1.lastname = "Carter";

  32:              emailContact1.emailaddress1 = "adam.carter@example.com";


  34:              // Create the contact.

  35:              contactIds[0] = service.Create(emailContact1);


  37:              contact emailContact2 = new contact();

  38:              emailContact2.firstname = "Adina";

  39:              emailContact2.lastname = "Hagege";

  40:              emailContact2.emailaddress1 = "adina.hagege@example.com";


  42:              // Create the contact.

  43:              contactIds[1] = service.Create(emailContact2);


  45:              // Create the bulk mail request.

  46:              SendBulkMailRequest bulkMailRequest = new SendBulkMailRequest();


  48:              // Create a query expression for the bulk operation to use to retrieve 

  49:              // the contacts in our e-mail list.

  50:              ConditionExpression condition = new ConditionExpression();

  51:              condition.AttributeName = "contactid";

  52:              condition.Operator = ConditionOperator.In;

  53:              condition.Values = contactIds;


  55:              FilterExpression filterExpression = new FilterExpression();

  56:              filterExpression.Conditions = new ConditionExpression[] { condition };


  58:              ColumnSet returnColumns = new ColumnSet();

  59:              returnColumns.Attributes = new string[] { "contactid" };


  61:              QueryExpression queryRequest = new QueryExpression();

  62:              queryRequest.ColumnSet = returnColumns;

  63:              queryRequest.EntityName = EntityName.contact.ToString();

  64:              queryRequest.Criteria = filterExpression;


  66:              // Attach the contact query to the bulk e-mail request.

  67:              bulkMailRequest.Query = queryRequest;


  69:              // Get a system user to use as the sender.

  70:              bulkMailRequest.Sender = GetEmailSenderMoniker(service);


  72:              // Set the RegardingId to the e-mail sender.

  73:              bulkMailRequest.RegardingId = bulkMailRequest.Sender.Id;

  74:              bulkMailRequest.RegardingType = EntityName.systemuser.ToString();


  76:              // Use a built-in e-mail template.

  77:              // NOTE: The e-mail template's 'template type' must match the type of customers

  78:              // in the e-mail list. Our list contains contacts, so our template must be for contacts.

  79:              bulkMailRequest.TemplateId = new Guid("07B94C1D-C85F-492F-B120-F0A743C540E6");


  81:              // Create a tracking ID for the bulk operation to monitor its progress.

  82:              RequestIdOptionalParameter trackingId = new RequestIdOptionalParameter();

  83:              trackingId.Value = Guid.NewGuid();


  85:              // Attach the tracking ID to the bulk e-mail request.

  86:              bulkMailRequest.OptionalParameters = new OptionalParameter[] { trackingId };


  88:              // Execute the async bulk e-mail request.

  89:              service.Execute(bulkMailRequest);


  91:              // Now that we have executed the bulk operation, we have to retrieve it using our tracking ID.

  92:              ColumnSet asyncColumns = new ColumnSet();

  93:              asyncColumns.Attributes = new string[] { "requestid", "statecode" };


  95:              QueryByAttribute bulkQuery = new QueryByAttribute();

  96:              bulkQuery.ColumnSet = asyncColumns;

  97:              bulkQuery.EntityName = EntityName.asyncoperation.ToString();

  98:              bulkQuery.Attributes = new string[] { "requestid" };

  99:              bulkQuery.Values = new object[1];

 100:              bulkQuery.Values[0] = trackingId.Value;


 102:              // Retrieve the bulk e-mail async operation.

 103:              BusinessEntityCollection aResponse = service.RetrieveMultiple(bulkQuery);


 105:              // Monitor the async operation through polling.

 106:              const int ARBITRARY_MAX_POLLING_TIME = 60;

 107:              int secondsTicker = ARBITRARY_MAX_POLLING_TIME;


 109:              asyncoperation createdBulkMailOperation = null;


 111:              while (secondsTicker > 0)

 112:              {

 113:                 // Make sure that the async operation was retrieved.

 114:                 if (aResponse.BusinessEntities.Length > 0)

 115:                 {

 116:                    // Grab the one bulk operation that was created.

 117:                    createdBulkMailOperation = (asyncoperation)aResponse.BusinessEntities[0];


 119:                    // Check the operation's state.

 120:                    if (createdBulkMailOperation.statecode.Value != AsyncOperationState.Completed)

 121:                    {

 122:                       // The operation has not yet completed.  Wait a second for the status to change.

 123:                       System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);

 124:                       secondsTicker--;


 126:                       // Retrieve a fresh version the bulk delete operation.

 127:                       aResponse = service.RetrieveMultiple(bulkQuery);

 128:                    }

 129:                    else

 130:                    {

 131:                       // Stop polling because the operation's state is now completed.

 132:                       secondsTicker = 0;

 133:                    }

 134:                 }

 135:                 else

 136:                 {

 137:                    // Wait a second for the async operation to become active.

 138:                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);

 139:                    secondsTicker--;


 141:                    // Retrieve the entity again.

 142:                    aResponse = service.RetrieveMultiple(bulkQuery);

 143:                 }

 144:              }


 146:              // When the bulk e-mail operation has finished, all sent e-mail messages will have a status of "Pending Send" and 

 147:              // will be picked up by your e-mail router. Or, you can then use BackgroundSendEmail to download

 148:              // all the e-mail messages that were created by using the SendBulkEmail message. See the BackgroundSendEmail sample for an example.


 150:              #region check success


 152:              // Validate async operation succeeded.

 153:              if (createdBulkMailOperation.statecode.Value == AsyncOperationState.Completed)

 154:              {

 155:                 success = true;

 156:              }


 158:              #endregion


 160:              #region Remove Data Required for this Sample.


 162:              // Delete the sent e-mail messages. 

 163:              ColumnSet sentMailColumns = new ColumnSet();

 164:              sentMailColumns.Attributes = new string[] { "statuscode" };


 166:              ConditionExpression statusCondition = new ConditionExpression();

 167:              statusCondition.AttributeName = "statuscode";

 168:              statusCondition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal;

 169:              statusCondition.Values = new object[] { EmailStatus.PendingSend };


 171:              // Create the query filter.

 172:              FilterExpression emailFilter = new FilterExpression();

 173:              emailFilter.Conditions = new ConditionExpression[] { statusCondition };

 174:              emailFilter.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;


 176:              // Query for e-mail activity.

 177:              QueryExpression emailsQuery = new QueryExpression();

 178:              emailsQuery.ColumnSet = sentMailColumns;

 179:              emailsQuery.EntityName = EntityName.email.ToString();

 180:              emailsQuery.Criteria = emailFilter;


 182:              // Retrieve the e-mail activity.

 183:              BusinessEntityCollection emails = service.RetrieveMultiple(emailsQuery);


 185:              foreach (email sentMail in emails.BusinessEntities)

 186:              {

 187:                 service.Delete(EntityName.email.ToString(), sentMail.activityid.Value);

 188:              }


 190:              // Delete the contacts created for e-mails.

 191:              foreach (Guid createdContactId in contactIds)

 192:              {

 193:                 service.Delete(EntityName.contact.ToString(), createdContactId);

 194:              }


 196:              #endregion

 197:           }

 198:           catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)

 199:           {

 200:              // Perform error handling here.

 201:              throw;

 202:           }

 203:           catch (Exception)

 204:           {

 205:              throw;

 206:           }


 208:           return success;

 209:        }


 211:        /// <summary>

 212:        /// Retrieves a systemuser to use as the sender of an e-mail.

 213:        /// </summary>

 214:        /// <param name="service">The CRM service</param>

 215:        /// <returns>Moniker to use as e-mail sender</returns>

 216:        public static Moniker GetEmailSenderMoniker(CrmService service)

 217:        {

 218:           Moniker emailSender = new Moniker();


 220:           ColumnSet selectClause = new ColumnSet();

 221:           selectClause.Attributes = new string[] {"fullname"};


 223:           QueryExpression allSystemUsersQuery = new QueryExpression();

 224:           allSystemUsersQuery.EntityName = EntityName.systemuser.ToString();

 225:           allSystemUsersQuery.ColumnSet = selectClause;


 227:           // Create the query request.

 228:           RetrieveMultipleRequest allSystemUsersRequest = new RetrieveMultipleRequest();

 229:           allSystemUsersRequest.Query = allSystemUsersQuery;


 231:           // Execute the request.

 232:           RetrieveMultipleResponse allSystemUsersResponse = (RetrieveMultipleResponse)service.Execute(allSystemUsersRequest);


 234:           // Grab a system user for the bulk e-mail.

 235:           if (allSystemUsersResponse.BusinessEntityCollection.BusinessEntities.Length > 0)

 236:           {

 237:              // For demonstration, grab the first system user.

 238:              systemuser emailUser = (systemuser)allSystemUsersResponse.BusinessEntityCollection.BusinessEntities[0];

 239:              emailSender.Id = emailUser.systemuserid.Value;

 240:              emailSender.Name = EntityName.systemuser.ToString();

 241:           }

 242:           else

 243:           {

 244:              // If no system user was found, we cannot continue with bulk e-mail.

 245:              throw (new Exception("No system user found to send e-mail."));

 246:           }


 248:           return emailSender;

 249:        }

 250:     }

 251:  }

Route an Incident from a User to a Queue

The following code example demonstrates how to route an incident from a user's work-in-progress queue to another queue.

The following code example shows how to route an incident from a user's Work In Progress (WIP) queue into a public queue. Similar code could be used to route an incident from a public queue into a WIP queue.

using System;
using CrmSdk;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Utility;

namespace Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.HowTo
public class HowToRoute
static void Main(string[] args)
// TODO: Change the server URL and organization to match your Microsoft
// Dynamics CRM Server and Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization.
HowToRoute.Run("http://localhost:5555", "CRM_SDK");

public static bool Run(string crmServerUrl, string orgName)
bool success = false;

// Set up the CRM Service.
CrmService service = CrmServiceUtility.GetCrmService(crmServerUrl, orgName);

// Get the ID of the system user.
WhoAmIRequest userRequest = new WhoAmIRequest();
WhoAmIResponse user = (WhoAmIResponse)service.Execute(userRequest);

#region Setup Data Required for this Sample
// Create a new customer account.
account myAccount = new account();
myAccount.name = "A Bike Store";
Guid accountID = service.Create(myAccount);

// Create a new subject.
subject mySubject = new subject();
mySubject.title = "Bicycles";
Guid subjectID = service.Create(mySubject);

// Create a new incident.
incident incident = new incident();

Customer myCustomer = new Customer();
myCustomer.Value = accountID;
myCustomer.type = EntityName.account.ToString();
incident.customerid = myCustomer;

Lookup subjectLookup = new Lookup();
subjectLookup.Value = subjectID;
subjectLookup.type = EntityName.subject.ToString();
incident.subjectid = subjectLookup;

incident.title = "Broken Chain";
Guid incidentID = service.Create(incident);

// Create a new public Bicycle Cases queue.
queue publicQueue = new queue();

Lookup businessLookup = new Lookup();
businessLookup.Value = user.BusinessUnitId;
businessLookup.type = EntityName.businessunit.ToString();
publicQueue.businessunitid = businessLookup;

Lookup userLookup = new Lookup();
userLookup.Value = user.UserId;
userLookup.type = EntityName.systemuser.ToString();
publicQueue.primaryuserid = userLookup;

Picklist plist = new Picklist();
plist.name = "Public";
plist.Value = 1;
publicQueue.queuetypecode = plist;

publicQueue.name = "Bicycle Cases";
Guid publicQueueID = service.Create(publicQueue);

// Find the WIP queue for the user who currently owns the incident.
// The queue type code for a WIP queue is 3.
QueryByAttribute query = new QueryByAttribute();
// Be aware that using AllColumns may adversely affect
// performance and cause unwanted cascading in subsequent
// updates. A best practice is to retrieve the least amount of
// data required.
query.ColumnSet = new AllColumns();
query.EntityName = EntityName.queue.ToString();
query.Attributes = new string[] { "primaryuserid", "queuetypecode" };
query.Values = new string[] { user.UserId.ToString(), "3" };
BusinessEntityCollection results = service.RetrieveMultiple(query);

queue wipQueue = (queue)results.BusinessEntities[0];

// Create a Target object that refers to the incident.
TargetQueuedIncident target = new TargetQueuedIncident();
// SDK:target.EntityId = new Guid("A0F2D8FE-6468-DA11-B748-000D9DD8CDAC");
target.EntityId = incidentID;

// Route the incident from the WIP queue to the public queue.
RouteRequest route = new RouteRequest();
route.Target = target;
route.RouteType = RouteType.Queue;
// SDK:route.EndpointId = new Guid("A0F2D8FE-6468-DA11-C748-000D9DD8CDAC");
route.EndpointId = publicQueueID;
// SDK:route.SourceQueueId = new Guid("A0F2D8FE-6468-DA11-D748-000D9DD8CDAC");
route.SourceQueueId = wipQueue.queueid.Value;

RouteResponse routed = null;
routed = (RouteResponse)service.Execute(route);

#region check success

if (routed != null) success = true;


#region Remove Data Required for this Sample

service.Delete(EntityName.incident.ToString(), incidentID);
service.Delete(EntityName.queue.ToString(), publicQueueID);
service.Delete(EntityName.subject.ToString(), subjectID);
service.Delete(EntityName.account.ToString(), accountID);

catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ex)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}. {1}", ex.Message, ex.Detail.InnerText));

return success;