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Friday, May 03, 2013

get field data from CRM 4

// get field data from crm 4.0 entity

public string getLookup(string _prop)
Lookup lkp = (Lookup)entity[_prop];
return lkp.name;

internal string getPicklist(string _prop)
Picklist pick = (Picklist)entity[_prop];
return pick.name;

public string getDate(string _prop)
CrmDateTimeProperty cdp = new CrmDateTimeProperty(_prop, (CrmDateTime)entity.Properties[_prop]);
return cdp.Value.date;

public string getBool(string _prop)
string ret = "";
CrmBooleanProperty CBP = new CrmBooleanProperty(_prop, (CrmBoolean)entity.Properties[_prop]);
ret = CBP.Value.Value.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
ret = "";
return ret;

internal string getOwner(string _prop)
Owner own = (Owner)entity[_prop];
return own.name;

public string getData(string _prop)
string ret = "";
string type = null;

type = entity.Properties[_prop].GetType().ToString();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("TYPE( {0} ):= {1}",_prop, type);
catch (Exception e)
type = e.Message;
ret = e.Message;
return ret;

if (type == "Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Owner")
ret = ret = getOwner(_prop);
else if (type == "Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.CrmBoolean")
ret = getBool(_prop);
else if(type == "System.String")
//StringProperty sp = new StringProperty(_prop, (string)entity.Properties[_prop]);
ret = entity.Properties[_prop].ToString();
else if (type == "Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Lookup")
ret = getLookup(_prop);
else if (type == "Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Picklist")
ret = getPicklist(_prop);

return ret;

Create a Marketing Automation List

The following code example demonstrates how to create a Marketing Automation list and add a member to it.

   1:  //# [Create a Marketing Automation List ]

   2:  using System;

   3:  using CrmSdk;

   4:  using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Utility;


   6:  namespace Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.HowTo

   7:  {

   8:        /// <summary>

   9:        /// Summary description for MarketingAutomationListCreation.

  10:        /// </summary>

  11:        public class MarketingAutomationListCreation

  12:        {

  13:              static void Main(string[] args)

  14:              {

  15:                    // TODO: Change the server URL and Organization to match your CRM Server and CRM Organization

  16:                    MarketingAutomationListCreation.Run("http://localhost:5555", "CRM_SDK");

  17:              }


  19:              public static bool Run(string crmServerUrl, string orgName)

  20:              {

  21:                    // Set up the CRM Service.

  22:                    CrmService service = CrmServiceUtility.GetCrmService(crmServerUrl, orgName);


  24:                    #region Setup Data Required for this Sample

  25:                    account accountCreate = new account();

  26:                    accountCreate.name = "Fourth Coffee";

  27:                    accountCreate.description = "Coffee House";


  29:                    Guid createdId = service.Create(accountCreate);

  30:                    #endregion


  32:                    #region Create List


  34:                    list autoList = new list();

  35:                    autoList.listname = "Test List";

  36:                    autoList.membertype = new CrmNumber();

  37:                    autoList.membertype.Value = 1;

  38:                    autoList.createdfromcode = new Picklist();

  39:                    autoList.createdfromcode.Value = 1;


  41:                    Guid listId = service.Create(autoList);


  43:                    #endregion


  45:                    #region Add Member to List

  46:                    AddMemberListRequest addRequest = new AddMemberListRequest();

  47:                    addRequest.EntityId = createdId;

  48:                    addRequest.ListId = listId;


  50:                    AddMemberListResponse response = (AddMemberListResponse) service.Execute(addRequest);

  51:                    #endregion


  53:                    #region check success


  55:                    bool success = false;


  57:                    if (response.Id != Guid.Empty)

  58:                    {

  59:                          success = true;

  60:                    }

  61:                    #endregion


  63:                    #region Remove Data Required for this Sample

  64:                    service.Delete(EntityName.account.ToString(), createdId);

  65:                    service.Delete(EntityName.list.ToString(), listId);

  66:                    #endregion


  68:                    return success;

  69:              }

  70:        }

  71:  }

Schedule a Resource

This sample code shows how to schedule a resource with the following scenario. A plumber and van need to be scheduled to investigate and fix a leak at a customer site. The earliest available appointment needs to be made. In order for this to be accomplished, all preliminary records must be created. The default 24-hour calendars will be used. No sites are created for this sample.

   1:  //# [Schedule a Resource ]

   2:  using System;

   3:  using CrmSdk;

   4:  using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Utility;


   6:  namespace Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.HowTo

   7:  {

   8:     /// <summary>

   9:     /// This sample shows how to schedule a resource.

  10:     /// </summary>

  11:     public class ServiceManagement

  12:     {

  13:        public static bool Run(string crmServerUrl, string orgName)

  14:        {

  15:           // Set up the CRM Service.

  16:           CrmService service = CrmServiceUtility.GetCrmService(crmServerUrl, orgName);


  18:           #region Setup Data Required for this Sample

  19:           bool success = false;


  21:           #endregion


  23:           try

  24:           {

  25:              // Get the current user's information.

  26:              WhoAmIRequest userRequest = new WhoAmIRequest();

  27:              WhoAmIResponse user = (WhoAmIResponse) service.Execute(userRequest);


  29:              // Create the van resource.

  30:              equipment van = new equipment();

  31:              van.name = "Van 1";

  32:              van.timezonecode = new CrmNumber();

  33:              van.timezonecode.Value = 1;

  34:              van.businessunitid = new Lookup();

  35:              van.businessunitid.type = EntityName.businessunit.ToString();

  36:              van.businessunitid.Value = user.BusinessUnitId;


  38:              // Create the van object.

  39:              Guid vanId = service.Create(van);


  41:              // Create the plumber resource group.

  42:              constraintbasedgroup group = new constraintbasedgroup();

  43:              group.businessunitid = new Lookup();

  44:              group.businessunitid.type = EntityName.businessunit.ToString();

  45:              group.businessunitid.Value = user.BusinessUnitId;

  46:              group.name = "Plumber with Van 1";

  47:              System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder("<Constraints>");

  48:              builder.Append("<Constraint>");

  49:              builder.Append("<Expression>");

  50:              builder.Append("<Body>resource[\"Id\"] == ");

  51:              builder.Append(user.UserId.ToString("B"));

  52:              builder.Append(" || resource[\"Id\"] == ");

  53:              builder.Append(vanId.ToString("B"));

  54:              builder.Append("</Body>");

  55:              builder.Append("<Parameters>");

  56:              builder.Append("<Parameter name=\"resource\" />");

  57:              builder.Append("</Parameters>");

  58:              builder.Append("</Expression>");

  59:              builder.Append("</Constraint>");

  60:              builder.Append("</Constraints>");

  61:              group.constraints = builder.ToString();

  62:              group.grouptypecode = new Picklist();

  63:              group.grouptypecode.Value = 0;


  65:              Guid groupId = service.Create(group);


  67:              // Create the resource specification.

  68:              resourcespec spec = new resourcespec();

  69:              spec.businessunitid = new Lookup();

  70:              spec.businessunitid.type = EntityName.businessunit.ToString();

  71:              spec.businessunitid.Value = user.BusinessUnitId;

  72:              spec.objectiveexpression = @"

  73:                 <Expression>

  74:                    <Body>udf ""Random""(factory,resource,appointment,request,leftoffset,rightoffset)</Body>

  75:                    <Parameters>

  76:                       <Parameter name=""factory"" />

  77:                       <Parameter name=""resource"" />

  78:                       <Parameter name=""appointment"" />

  79:                       <Parameter name=""request"" />

  80:                       <Parameter name=""leftoffset"" />

  81:                       <Parameter name=""rightoffset"" />

  82:                    </Parameters>

  83:                    <Properties EvaluationInterval=""P0D"" evaluationcost=""0"" />

  84:                 </Expression>";

  85:              spec.requiredcount = new CrmNumber();

  86:              spec.requiredcount.Value = 1;

  87:              spec.name = "Test Spec";

  88:              spec.groupobjectid = new UniqueIdentifier();

  89:              spec.groupobjectid.Value = groupId;


  91:              Guid specId = service.Create(spec);


  93:              // Create the plumber required resource object.

  94:              RequiredResource plumberReq = new RequiredResource();

  95:              plumberReq.ResourceId = user.UserId;// assume current user is the plumber

  96:              plumberReq.ResourceSpecId = specId;


  98:              // Create the van required resource object.

  99:              RequiredResource vanReq = new RequiredResource();

 100:              vanReq.ResourceId = vanId;

 101:              vanReq.ResourceSpecId = specId;


 103:              // Create the service.

 104:              service plumberService = new service();

 105:              plumberService.name = "Plumber1";

 106:              plumberService.duration = new CrmNumber();

 107:              plumberService.duration.Value = 60;

 108:              plumberService.initialstatuscode = new Status();

 109:              plumberService.initialstatuscode.Value = 1;

 110:              plumberService.granularity = "FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=15;";

 111:              plumberService.resourcespecid = new Lookup();

 112:              plumberService.resourcespecid.type = EntityName.resourcespec.ToString();

 113:              plumberService.resourcespecid.Value = specId;

 114:              plumberService.strategyid = new Lookup();

 115:              // This is a known GUID for the default strategy.

 116:              plumberService.strategyid.Value = new Guid("07F7DC72-1671-452D-812C-7172D3CA881F");


 118:              Guid plumberServiceId = service.Create(plumberService);


 120:              // Create the appointment request.

 121:              AppointmentRequest appointmentReq = new AppointmentRequest();

 122:              appointmentReq.RequiredResources = new RequiredResource[] {vanReq};

 123:              appointmentReq.Direction = SearchDirection.Forward;

 124:              appointmentReq.Duration = 60;

 125:              appointmentReq.NumberOfResults = 10;

 126:              appointmentReq.NumberOfResults = 1;

 127:              appointmentReq.ServiceId = plumberServiceId;


 129:              // The search window describes the time when the resouce can be scheduled.

 130:              // It must be set.

 131:              appointmentReq.SearchWindowStart = new CrmDateTime();

 132:              appointmentReq.SearchWindowStart.Value = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString();

 133:              appointmentReq.SearchWindowEnd = new CrmDateTime();

 134:              appointmentReq.SearchWindowEnd.Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToUniversalTime().ToString();

 135:              appointmentReq.UserTimeZoneCode = 1;


 137:              // Create the request object.

 138:              SearchRequest search = new SearchRequest();


 140:              // Set the properties of the request object.

 141:              search.AppointmentRequest = appointmentReq;


 143:              // Execute the request.

 144:              SearchResponse searched = (SearchResponse)service.Execute(search);


 146:              #region check success


 148:              if (searched.SearchResults.Proposals.Length > 0)

 149:              {

 150:                 success = true;

 151:              }


 153:              #endregion


 155:              #region Remove Data Required for this Sample


 157:              service.Delete(EntityName.service.ToString(), plumberServiceId);

 158:              service.Delete(EntityName.equipment.ToString(), vanId);


 160:              #endregion

 161:           }

 162:           catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ex)

 163:           {

 164:              // Add your error handling code here.

 165:              Console.WriteLine(ex.Detail.InnerText);

 166:              success = false;

 167:           }


 169:           return success;

 170:        }

 171:     }

 172:  }